Miss Becky CD Release

We here at the Above Average Racing Team like to acknowledge Above Average endeavors wherever we see or in this case hear them.

Mr. Fabulous is in possession of an advanced signed special edition CD by Miss Becky titled ‘For Now’. The Official Release Party is not until Saturday October 20 in Portland but we gave it a listen on a rainy Seattle night and pronounce it Above Average. In fact Mr. Fab thinks it might even get ‘air play’ on the radio if such things happen anymore. Maybe he’s right but we really should tell you that the first CD Mr. Fab tried to play still has the scratches in it from the turntable.

We know there is a tendency to label and put things in pigeonholes. That probably accounts for the labels  occasionally seen on pigeons. But I digress. How would you characterize the music on this optically scanned polycarbonate disc? Country? Alt Country? R&B with a little less R and a lot of B? How about Alt Country American Roots music? There’s lots of guitars. Acoustic, electric, bass, even steel and resonator. There’s fiddle, banjo, mandolin and that most dangerous of instruments, the accordion, but not enough to Welkify it at all. Last but not least Miss Becky’s vocals. Memorable. We’re not going to say much more because it hasn’t been officially released yet but we will play it often on the way home from the race track. Something new between Frank Sinatra and Commander Cody in the team bus audio playback devise. Sure beats what they play at the track. Just the thing for driving a big diesel fast through the night in the wide open spaces out west.

You know what you get when you play a country record backwards. Play this backwards and you’ll have to get a new needle for your CD player. It’s not out on vinyl yet.

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